Tarikh hari ini

3 Apr 2016

Resepi: Kek Coklat kukus & Puding Karamel

Hey Guys (and Girls..)

Guess what? Today is Monday. We are supposed to speak in English today. Pardon my grammar, but I think you shouldn't cheat today. You should try! At least, walk to the nearest person beside you and ask how was his/her day. (In English)

Ok. I'm not here to nag. But today I'm gonna share with you guys one of the creative work of one of our dearest GeneXiis member, Nurul Fasehah Bt Zulkelnain.

Not only she's one of the creative BPP member, it turn out that she love to cooks. So here is one of her infamous recipe!

It's easy, right? So, try it at home. And don't forget to share it with others when you done!